SOS MEDITERRANEE would not exist without the exceptional citizen mobilization that has emerged since its creation in 2015.

The story of SOS MEDITERRANEE is first and foremost the story of citizens mobilizing in the face of the drama unfolding at sea.

In 2015, SOS MEDITERRANEE defined bearing witness as one of its primary missions.
While at sea, our rescue teams, alongside journalists and photographers, meticulously document operations. Simultaneously, on land, citizens passionately engage at festivals and conferences, shedding light on the harsh reality of shipwrecks to raise awareness among the public.
Across volunteer branches, dedicated individuals drive awareness campaigns: setting up information stands at cultural and sports events, organizing or co-organizing shows, speeches, screenings, debates, photo exhibitions, and readings.

Even before the chartering of our first boat, prioritizing awareness in schools was paramount. This approach aimed to ensure that future generations comprehend the moral obligation of offering assistance and displaying solidarity at sea.