OPERATION - 21 August- 5 September 2022

On August 3, Ocean Viking moored in the port of Syracuse, Sicily.

On August 21, Ocean Viking leaves anchorage in Syracuse, Sicily.

On August 25, the Ocean Viking evacuates a total of 212 survivors from four boats in distress: 41 survivors from a wooden boat in distress, 12 survivors from a rubber boat in distress, 40 survivors from a wooden boat, 119 survivors from a wooden boat in distress.

On August 26, the Ocean Viking evacuates 56 survivors from a wooden boat in distress.

On August 27, the Ocean Viking evacuates 198 survivors from five boats in distress: 87 survivors from a wooden boat, 32 survivors from a wooden boat, 15 survivors from a fiberglass boat, 47 survivors from a wooden boat, 17 survivors from a wooden boat.

On August 29, the Ocean Viking performed the medical evacuation of two patients with four of their relatives via an Italian Coast Guard patrol vessel.

On September 02, the Ocean Viking performed the medical evacuation of one patient via an Italian Coast Guard helicopter.

On September 02, the Ocean Viking is instructed to sail to Taranto, Italy, to disembark the remaining survivors onboard.

On September 05, the Ocean Viking completes the disembarkation of the remaining 459 survivors in Taranto, Italy.

August 27, 2022

DC586 – Reported distress position: 3455N 012012E

Ocean Viking position 35 03.9N 012 17.8E.

16:16 Ocean Viking sends an email to MTRCC informing of her intention to evacuate the boat in distress.
16:20 Ocean Viking launches 2 RHIBs.
16:24 Lifejacket distribution starts for one of the two boats in distress.
16:27 Lifejacket distribution boat 1 completed. 1 RHIB starts the evacuation of survivors onboard Ocean Viking.

Rescue position: 35 06.0N 012 19.8E

Latitude: 35.1
Longitude: 12.33
17:28 Ocean Viking sends an email to MTRCC, with ITMRCC in copy, reporting the completion of the evacuation of 15 persons from a fiberglass boat in distress.
17:30 With two rhibs in the water, Ocean Viking reconfirms the distress situation of a wooden boat previously spotted and assessed by Seabird2.

The wooden boat is unseaworthy, overcrowded, with about 50 people on board, all exposed to the elements.

17:36 Ocean Viking RHIBs start lifejackets distribution.
17:40 Ocean Viking RHIBs complete lifejackets distribution.
17:50 Ocean Viking RHIBs start evacuation of survivors.

Rescue position: 35 12.1N 012 21.0E

Latitude: 35.20166
Longitude: 12.35
18:06 Ocean Viking sends an email to MTRCC informing of the completion of the evacuation of 47 survivors.

Ocean Viking position: 34 56.7N 012 21.3E

20:24 Ocean Viking stops at a safe distance from the boat in distress and launches one RHIB.
20:28 Ocean Viking RHIB starts lifejackets distribution.
20:30 Ocean Viking RHIB completes lifejackets distribution and starts evacuation.

Rescue position: 34 56.4N 012 20.8E.

Latitude: 34.94
Longitude: 12.34666
20:48 Ocean Viking informs MTRCC by email, with ITMRCC in copy, of the completion of the evacuation.
23:25 Ocean Viking sends a request for the designation of a Place of Safety to MTRCC and ITMRCC for the 466 survivors onboard via email.

August 28, 2022

ITMRCC is advising Ocean Viking to contact the Flag state SAR authority or the competent SAR authority of the area.

14:57 Ocean Viking sends a request for the designation of a Place of Safety to MTRCC and ITMRCC for the 466 survivors onboard via email.


advises Ocean Viking to contact the Flag state SAR authority or the competent SAR authority of the area.

August 29, 2022

15:41 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, requesting assistance in finding a Place of Safety and facilitate a prompt disembarkation of all 460 survivors currently on board Ocean Viking.

ITMRCC is advising Ocean Viking to contact the Flag state SAR authority or the competent SAR authority of the area.CloseClose

August 30, 2022

12:02 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, requesting assistance in finding a Place of Safety and facilitate a prompt disembarkation of all 460 survivors currently on board Ocean Viking.

August 31, 2022

11:49 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, requesting assistance in finding a Place of Safety and facilitate a prompt disembarkation of all 460 survivors currently on board Ocean Viking.
13:53 Ocean Viking receives an email by ITMRCC informing that her request for assistance in finding a place of safety for all survivors onboard has been forwarded to the competent national authority.

September 1, 2022

12:09 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, requesting assistance in finding a Place of Safety and facilitate a prompt disembarkation of all 460 survivors currently on board Ocean Viking.
13:38 Ocean Viking receives an email by ITMRCC informing that her request for assistance in finding a place of safety for all survivors onboard has been forwarded to the competent national authority.

September 2, 2022

Ocean Viking position: 37 03.3N 015 35.1E

15:32 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, requesting assistance in finding a Place of Safety and facilitate a prompt disembarkation of all 459 survivors currently on board Ocean Viking.

Ocean Viking is 26 hours of navigation away from the place of safety.

September 4, 2022

09:05 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Taranto, Italy.
10:06 Ocean Viking starts disembarkation of the 459 survivors in the port of Taranto, Italy.

September 5, 2022

02:25 Ocean Viking completes disembarkation of 459 survivors in the port of Taranto, Italy.
19:18 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Taranto, Italy.