OPERATION - 17 April-26 May 2023


All times are in UTC +2.

On April 17, Ocean Viking leaves Syracuse, Sicily.

On April 21, Ocean Viking evacuate 29 shipwrecked persons from an adrift boat in distress. survivors explains that they spent 5 days at sea without assistance. Shortly after, ITMRCC designates Bari, Italy, as a place of safety.

On April 23, all survivors disembarked in Bari. Rescue is completed.

On April 26, Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse after a short portcall.

On April 27, Ocean Viking evacuates 15 persons in distress in the Maltese Search and Rescue Region.

On April 28, Ocean Viking completes the evacuation of three boats in distress in the Maltese Search and Rescue Region, in less than 7 hours, all closely coordinated by ITMRCC. 59, 65 and 29 persons in distress are evacuated. Ocean Viking receives the instruction from ITMRCC to disembark the 168 survivors in Civitavecchia, Italy.

On May 2, the disembarkation of the 168 survivors is complete in Civitavecchia.

On May 9, Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse, Sicily but goes back to seek Shelter from bad weather on May 15.

The ship leaves again the port on May 21 towards the area of operations. After long unsuccessful searches for boats in distress, Ocean Viking returns to Syracuse on May 26 for a portcall.

April 17, 2023

20:00 Ocean Viking leaves Syracuse.

April 18, 2023

14:03 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.
15:48 Drills completed.
20:20 Ocean Viking starts night drills at sea.
22:40 Drills completed.

April 20, 2023

Ocean Viking, in position 36 57 N 015 42 E is in copy of the following email from Alarm Phone “The people on board AP0508 called our hotline and gave us the following position: 35 21 001 015 46 598 @03:47 CEST 20 APR 2023. The people on board report the weather conditions are deteriorating; it is raining and they are fully exposed to the elements; they have no jackets. The people report they have been at sea for 5 days; they have no food and have not eaten for 2 days. They require immediate assistance. Please send rescue now. There is a reasonable certainty that the persons on board the case boat are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost at sea and require immediate assistance.”

05:16 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Malta RCC to ask about mentioned distress case, operator stated the Duty Officer was busy and asked to send an email.
05:40 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC to update about the distress case. Ocean Viking is proceeding towards the boat in distress, about 90NM away, ready to provide first assistance.
12:48 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, requesting for medevac of one passenger. Also emails MTRCC to inform that for this reason Ocean Viking is no longer in the capacity to continue to respond to this distress case.
19:10 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email from ‘Watch The Med – Alarm Phone’ giving a new position of the boat in distress reported earlier.
19:37 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Malta RCC to ask about an update on mentioned distress case, operator states the Duty Officer is busy and asks to send an email.
19:55 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC to update about the distress situation and that Ocean Viking is proceeding towards the last reported position, about 65NM away, ready to provide first assistance.
23:48 Ocean Viking receives an email from ‘Watch The Med – Alarm Phone’ with an updated position for the boat in distress and with a report that the boat is out of fuel and drifting.

April 21, 2023

00:20 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC to update on the situation and informed that Ocean Viking RHIBs are going to be launched.
00:50 Ocean Viking tries to contact Malta RCC by Sat Phone to report above situation: “Duty Officer is busy, please send an email”

the fiberglass boat is unseaworthy, overcrowded, with about 40 people on board, no lifejackets, all exposed to the elements. These people are requiring to be rescued. It is ascertained that the distress phase exists as the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and require immediate assistance. Relevant shipboard safety and environmental elements have been assessed and it is ascertained MV Ocean Viking has the capacity to recover all of these persons without creating serious danger to the ship and the persons thereon, in line with the Provisions of Art. 98 of the UNCLOS Convention. Also, not any risk of pollution will result. As this is a case of force majeure (ref.SOLAS Art. IV) imposing to retrieve persons in danger of being lost at sea, as stipulated by the relevant International Maritime Conventions.

01:16 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC to inform them.
Latitude: 36.16
Longitude: 15.2
02:10 Italian coastguard Patrol Vessel CP320 on scene, in communication via VHF 16/11 instructs Ocean Viking to call Malta RCC.
02:13 Ocean Viking calls Malta RCC to update about the recovery operation completed and to seek further instruction, but Duty Officer was busy and operator instructed to send an email.
02:25 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to update about the above situation and to seek further instructions, Duty Officer copies the information and request to send an email.
02:47 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC to inform about the recovery operation being finished and asking for a Place of Safety.
04:22 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC designating Bari, Italy, as Place of Safety for the 29 survivors onboard.
05:18 Ocean Viking sends the Maritime Incident Report with the timeline of events and the medical report to ITMRCC. Ocean Viking also informs about the ETA to Bari Harbour.

April 23, 2023

09:53 Disembarkation of the 29 survivors onboard Ocean Viking starts in Bari.
10:16 Disembarkation complete.
14:02 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Bari.

April 27, 2023

GPS-position with timestamp: N34 24 126 E018 54 605 @14:15 CEST

Ocean Viking swiftly alters Course Heading towards the Target, about 3NM away, for further assessment and ready to provide first assistance.

Operator is informed and requests Ocean Viking to send an email.

The fiberglass boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded, all exposed to the elements. It is ascertained that the distress phase exists as the persons on board are threatened by grave and imminent danger of being lost and require immediate assistance.

16:04 Ocean Viking calls MTRCC to inform about an internet connection issue and update on the above situation.
16:11 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC, with ITMRCC in copy, to update on the above situation, from a different email address which is the SAR Coordinator onboard, on behalf of Ocean Viking bridge.

Duty Officer is busy and operator instructs Ocean Viking to send an email.

Empty fibre glass boat white, left adrift in this position and marked “OV 27042023”.

Latitude: 34.48333
Longitude: 13.2
16:33 Ocean Viking sends an email to Malta RCC informing that recovery operation is completed and requesting a Place of Safety.
17:09 Ocean Viking sends an email to MTRCC stating that Ocean Viking is proceeding to a distress case reported by Alarm Phone, about 280NM East of actual position, ready to provide first assistance.
17:26 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email of Seabird updating about a distress case, believed to be similar to the Alarm Phone case reported earlier.
17:34 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC designating Civitavecchia, Italy, as Place of Safety for the 15 survivors onboard.
18:00 Ocean Viking sends the Maritime Incident Report with the timeline of events and the medical report to Malta RCC, with ITMRCC in copy. Ocean Viking acknowledges the Place of Safety while heading to the open distress case, where she will proceed until it is confirmed that assistance is no longer necessary.
18:06 MTRCC replies to Ocean Viking stating that : “You have been informed by RCC Malta that your intervention was not requested. For any interceptions on International waters your responsible competent authority is your Flag State”.
19:43 Ocean Viking receives an email from ITMRCC instructing the ship to proceed towards the last know position of distress case 34°28’N – 018°47’E at 1535Z, in order to provide the necessary assessment (type of boat, number of people, buoyancy, ect.) and any useful information to this MRCC for their further instruction.
20:27 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC, with MTRCC in copy, to acknowledge ITMRCC instruction to proceed towards the distress case.

GPS-position with timestamp: N34. 50.056, E015.36.165 @21:30, 27 April Type and color of the boat: white fiber boat

23:05 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone MTRCC to ask information about the distress case. Duty Officer is busy and operator requests to send an email.
23:11 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC via Sat Phone to ask information about the new distress case and to seek coordination. Duty Officer instructs Ocean Viking to proceed towards this new distress case first, and to give an assessment of this case. Duty Officer also provides Ocean Viking with a new position as follows: 35 10 N 015 34 E.
23:59 Ocean Viking calls Malta RCC to seek coordination. Duty office is busy and ask Ocean Viking to send an email.

April 28, 2023

GPS-position with timestamp: N34 21 276 E016 57 466 @02:07 CEST 28 APR

04:07 Ocean Viking calls via Satellite phone the ITMRCC to ask information about the new distress case and to seek coordination. Duty Officer instructs Ocean Viking to keep proceeding to the second distress case. Ocean Viking is proceeding towards the boats which are reported to be two distress boats about 100NM away, ready to provide first assistance.
09:44 Ocean Viking receives a call via Satellite Phone from ITMRCC to provide updated positions of the two nearby boats in distress spotted by a Frontex Air Asset.
10:21 Ocean Viking has a visual on the boat in distress.
10:29 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to confirm positive visual and seek for instructions. ITMRCC replies to assess the situation and report back. Ocean Viking keep informing ITMRCC giving instructions during the entire evacuation.
10:40 Ocean Viking RHIBs lowered in the water for further assessment.
10:52 Assessment from the RHIBs : white wooden boat with approximatively 60 persons on board. No Life Saving Appliances, children, very overcrowded. Persons onboard request for assistance.
11:00 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC via Sat Phone to update about above situation and ask for further instructions. ITMRCC acknowledges that the boat is in distress and instructs Ocean Viking to proceed with the recovery of the persons in distress.
Latitude: 34.8333333
Longitude: 16.45
12:31 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to inform about above situation. Ocean Viking is instructed to lower the rescue boats in the water for further assessment of the situation and to report back to ITMRCC.
12:34 Ocean Viking RHIBs lowered in the water. First assessment of the boat: White wooden boat with approximatively 50 persons on board including women, children, a disabled person and a pregnant woman. No Life Saving Appliances. They confirm their will to be rescued.
13:11 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC via Sat Phone to update about above situation. Instructions are given by ITMRCC to proceed with the recovery of the persons in distress.
Latitude: 35
Longitude: 16.6166667

Ocean Viking in position: 35 01 N 016 39 E, COG 060, SOG 10.4kts

15:05 Cargo vessel APL Miami enters in contact with Ocean Viking on VHF CH16 to say that they have the boat in distress in visual and that they are providing a lee waiting for Ocean Viking to arrive on location.
16:13 Ocean Viking calls APL MIAMI on VHF Ch. 16 to ask for updates. APL Miami confirms case boat is on their port side.
16:15 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to report about that she has a visual on the boat in distress. ITMRCC instructs Ocean Viking to lower the RHIBs in the water to assess the situation and report back. Ocean Viking informs ITMRCC during the entire evacuation and ITMRCC gives back instructions.
16:40 Ocean Viking RHIBs lowered in the water, proceeding to assess the situation.
16:53 Ocean Viking RHIBs assesses following situation : Grey fiberglass boat with approx. 30 persons including women and children, no Life Saving Appliances. People claiming to be at sea for 5 days and confirm their will to be rescued.
16:54 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to report about the above situation. ITMRCC instructs Ocean Viking to proceed with the recovery of the people in distress.
Latitude: 35.25
Longitude: 17.0166667
17:39 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC (with MTRCC in copy) to inform that the evacuation has been completed.
18:26 Ocean Viking receives the instruction from ITMRCC to proceed to Civitavecchia without delay to disembark the 168 survivors onboard.
20:36 Ocean Viking informs ITMRCC that the ETA in Civitavecchia Harbour will be on 02nd MAY at 0700 and sends the Maritime Incident Report to ITMRCC with MTRCC in copy.

May 2, 2023

07:46 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Civitavecchia, Italy.
08:15 Disembarkation of the 168 survivors onboard Ocean Viking starts in the port of Civitavecchia, Italy.
11:08 Disembarkation in the port of Civitavecchia Italy, of all 168 survivors onboard Ocean Viking is completed.
17:22 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Civitavecchia.

May 5, 2023

12:38 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Syracuse, Sicily.

May 9, 2023

13:10 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse.
13:41 Ocean Viking calls MTRCC to ask for an update on an open distress case reported earlier by Alarm Phone. Answer is that duty officer is busy and asks to send an email.
13:43 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to ask for an update on an open distress case reported earlier by Alarm Phone. Answer is that distress case being in Maltese SRR, they have no information to share.

May 10, 2023

13:00 Ocean Viking starts drills at sea.

All RHIB recovered.

May 11, 2023

15:16 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Malta RCC. Broken communication.

May 12, 2023

14:45 Ocean Viking proceeds north to seek shelter due to degrading weather.

May 15, 2023

06:00 Ocean Viking arrives in the port of Syracuse to shelter from bad weather.

May 21, 2023

10:20 Ocean Viking leaves the port of Syracuse towards the area of operations.

May 22, 2023

In position 34 40 N 012 30 E

May 23, 2023

09:14 Ocean Viking overhears a distress call from the Frontex aircraft Osprey 2 through VHF 16.
09:16 Ocean Viking overhears a new call from Osprey 2 on VHF 16, giving a position of the boat in distress.
09:53 Ocean Viking proceeds to the distress case.
10:13 Ocean Viking stops patrolling as Sea-Eye 4 is closer to the distress case.
16:04 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email from Alarm Phone, addressed to ITMRCC and Malta RCC, about a boat in distress with about 500 people onboard.
19:16 Ocean Viking starts heading to the boat in distress, although located 350NM away.

May 24, 2023

00:38 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email from Alarm Phone, addressed to ITMRCC and Malta RCC, about a new boat in distress with about 27 people onboard.
01:09 Ocean Viking is in copy of an email from Alarm Phone, addressed to ITMRCC and Malta RCC, about a new boat in distress with about 500 people onboard (different than the one previously reported).
10:27 Ocean Viking calls Malta RCC to seek instructions about the distress alerts. Answer is that “duty officer is busy, please send an email”.
10:30 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to seek instructions about the distress alerts. Duty Officer informs Ocean Viking that ITMRCC does not have additional information and asks to send an email as many SAR operations are ongoing.
12:01 Ocean Viking sends an email to ITMRCC and Malta RCC to request information about the distress cases.