Ocean Viking left the port of Marseille, France, on January 11, after the crew underwent a 10-day quarantine and got tested for COVID-19 several times prior to the departure.
After a week of transit south and intensive drilling, the ship started her search activity on January 17.
On January 21, the Ocean Viking rescued 119 people from a rubber boat in distress, 37NM off the Libyan coast. On January 22, the vessel rescued further 148 people from two rubber boats in distress, 37 NM off the coast and later on the same day, a fourth rubber boat in distress was spotted and 106 people rescued at nightfall 28 NM off the Libyan coast.
On January 23, the Italian Coastguard performed the medical evacuation of an 8-month pregnant lady from the ship, which remains in International waters, waiting for a place of safety to be promptly assigned for the remaining 373 survivors.
On January 24, the Ocean Viking was assigned Augusta, Italy, as place of safety for the survivors onboard. On January 25 and 26, all survivors disembarked in Augusta.
On February 2nd, the Ocean Viking left the port of Augusta, Sicily, to resume her lifesaving mission in the central Mediterranean.
On February 4, the Ocean Viking rescued 121 people from a rubber boat in distress 30 NM off the Libyan coast in the early morning, and rescued 116 people from a second second rubber boat in distress, few hours later.
On February 5, in the morning, the Ocean Viking rescued 70 people from a rubber boat in distress 40 NM off the Libyan coast and 116 people from a second rubber boat in distress within a few hours.
On February 6, a pregnant patient was evacuated from the Ocean Viking via an Armed Forces of Malta helicopter, with her partner.
On February 7, the Ocean Viking is designated Augusta, Sicily as place of safety for the disembarkation of the survivors onboard.
On February 8 and 9, all survivors were disembarked in Augusta, Sicily after being tested for Covid-19 by Italian health authorities.
On February 8, the Ocean Viking is notified of the start of a 14-day quarantine as requested by the Italian health authorities (USMAF) for the ship and crew in the port of Augusta.
On February 24, Ocean Viking is granted free-pratique.