October 5, 2024

07:10 Ocean Viking leaves Syracuse.

October 9, 2024

19:10 Ocean Viking, in position 33 38.4 N 011 55.5 E, was approached from south by a fast boat.
19:13 The fast boat comes in close proximity of Ocean Viking. 6 persons went overboard from the fast boat. The fast boat drives away towards South, with two 2 persons on board. Immediately, Ocean Viking initiated MOB response, maneuvering the vessel to recover the persons in the water.
19:20 Ocean Viking launches two RHIBs to initiate MOB recovery.
Latitude: 33.6344444
Longitude: 11.918055555555554
19:51 All 6 survivors are safely recovered on Ocean Viking.
22:25 The Italian authorities assign Ravenna as a Place of Safety for the 6 survivors onboard.

October 10, 2024

07:22 While underway to Ravenna, Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to inform about a VHF mayday relay from aircraft EAGLE 3 about a rubber boat in distress in position 33 25N 013 44E. ITMRCC instructs Ocean Viking to report to the competent RCC and authorizes to delay to reach Ravenna.
07:48 Ocean Viking, in position 34 32’N 013 20.9’E, while underway toward distress case reported by EAGLE 3, sights an overcrowded fiberglass boat.
07:51 Ocean Viking informs ITMRCC about the distress situation and receives instruction to contact competent RCC for the subject case. ITMRCC also confirms authorization to delay the ETA to the assigned POS (Ravenna), as previously communicated for the response to EAGLE3 case.
07:58 Ocean Viking calles via Sat Phone Malta RCC; No Answer.
08:12 Ocean Viking RHIBs assess the situation: the fiberglass boat is unseaworthy, inapt for navigation in high seas, overcrowded with about 41 people on board, including 8 minors 5 unaccompanied among them, 6 women, all exposed to the elements, no Life Saving Appliances available.
08:14 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Malta RCC; informs the duty officer about the distress case. RCC Malta asks if this is the case of EAGLE3; Ocean Viking clarifies that is a different case. RCC Malta acknowledge the information.
08:22 Ocean Viking sends an email to RCC Malta, with ITMRCC in copy, to inform about the distress case..
Latitude: 34.5336111
Longitude: 13.335555555555556
08:38 Ocean Viking calls via Sat Phone Malta RCC, to report about the recovery. No answer.
08:47 Ocean Viking calls ITMRCC to inform about the recovery. ITMRCC acknowledges the information.

October 15, 2024

12:45 Ocean Viking is at berth in Ravenna.
12:58 Disembarkation of the 47 survivors starts.
13:10 Disembarkation is complete.
19:30 Ocean Viking leaves Ravenna.