Save. Protect.
Bear witness.

Since 2016, SOS MEDITERRANEE has been saving lives in the Central Mediterranean, one of the most dangerous maritime routes in the world. With your support, we can continue our vital operations.

Scroll down to learn what drives our mission.



Every life should be saved

SOS MEDITERRANEE was founded in 2015 and for the past decade has pursued a clear mission: assist those fleeing unbearable living conditions and risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean.



With your support,
we can act immediately

Thanks to the support of private donors, we can respond quickly, free from political pressure, wherever the need is greatest. Our priority at sea is saving lives, regardless of the origin, religion, or circumstances of those rescued.

SOS MEDITERRANEE rescuing someone in distress


We are financed almost entirely (91%) by private donors, ensuring our independence.
The remaining 9% of our funding comes from grants and other public contributions.

Our teams of sailors, rescuers, and medical staff have saved the lives of nearly 42,000 people since 2016, making SOS MEDITERRANEE a key player in humanitarian maritime rescue efforts in Europe.



Transparency is at the heart of our actions

As an organization primarily funded by private donations, we are fully committed to transparency. Every euro received is dedicated to our missions of rescue, protect, and bear witness.


The awards we have received, such as the 2017 UNESCO Houphouët-Boigny Peace Prize and the 2023 Right Livelihood Award, reflect our commitment to and impact in defending human rights at sea.

Civic engagement.

Civic engagement.

Your engagement
= their futures

Since 2016, our actions and testimonies have helped mobilize an enormous community of support across the world, including 800 volunteers in France alone. We firmly believe that amplifying the voices of those rescued and telling their stories can not only inspire change but uphold human dignity.

Bearing witness to defend human dignity

Beyond rescue operations, SOS MEDITERRANEE is committed to sharing the stories of survivors and raising awareness about the humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean. Each mission is an opportunity to inform and urge the public to take action to protect people's lives.



Rescuing Every Person in Distress at Sea

SOS MEDITERRANEE saves everyone, no matter a person’s nationality, religion, or background. Over the past decade, we’ve rescued individuals from more than 50 different countries. Our commitment to non-discrimination remains at the heart of everything we do, guided by a single imperative: save lives at sea.

See the diversity of those we’ve rescued

Spin the globe to see where the people we rescued in 2024 came from. Rotate the globe by dragging your mouse, then click on a country to display its name and data.

An interactive 3D globe showing countries of rescued people's origins in 2024. Rotate the globe by dragging, and click over a country to display its name and data.



An organization built on solidarity

SOS MEDITERRANEE brings together individuals from varied backgrounds—sailors, medics, logisticians, and dedicated volunteers—united by a common mission. This diversity is key to our ability to act effectively in a complex and perilous environment.

We believe in a compassionate society where everyone can contribute to saving lives and promoting human dignity.

Join us!

Join us!


Search and Rescue Region

At the bottom of the chart, in light green, the Libyan SRR, above that, in ...


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a last resort intervention, for when a person is not breathing. It ...


PSC (Port State Control) is an inspection regime for countries to inspect foreign-registered ships i...


Number of persons onboard


Enhanced Group Call :

Excerpt from the GMDSS Manual:

3.7.9 The EGC system, which was developed by In...


Estimated Time of Departure


Place of Safety :

Location where rescue operations are considered to terminate. It is also a place w...


A small vessel designed to tow or push large ships or barges. Tugs have powerful diesel engines and ...


Expected Time of Arrival

Rescue Coordination Center A unit responsible forpromoting efficient organization of SAR services a...
Search and Rescue Unit :  A unit composed of trainedpersonnel and provided with equipment suitable ...

SAR Mission Coordinator

The official temporarilyassigned to coordinate response to an actual or appa...


On-Scene Coordinator:

A person designated to co-ordinate SAR operations within a specified area.


International Organisation for Migration :

Established in 1951, IOM is the leading inter-governmenta...


International Maritime Organisation :

United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the ...


Armed Force of Malta :

Maltese maritime authority, in charge of the Maltese SAR Service.



Mass Casualty Plan :

A situation where there is more than 1 unconscious person to resuscitate. In th...


Very High Frequency :

ITU designation for the range of radio frequency electromagnetic waves (radio ...


Rigid Inflatable Boat :

Boat with rigid hull and inflatable tubes around the hull, generally with ou...


Global Positioning System

A specific satellite-based radio navigation system in conjunction with mob...

Vessel Traffic Service : VTS are shore-side systems which range from the provision of simple inform...

Search And Rescue :

Search: An operation, normally co-ordinated by a rescue coordination center or r...


Mass Rescue Operation :

A mass rescue operation (MRO) is one that involves the need for immediate ...


Front of the ship.


Automatic Identification System :

The AIS is a maritime transponder, used in VHF frequency for ident...


The General Administration for Costal Security (GACS) is a Law Enforcement entity established within...

FPSO: A floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit is a floating vessel used by the o...

Ship Security Alert System :

Excerpt from the GMDSS Manual :

3.9.1 […] The SSAS is fitted to a ship ...


Maritime Mobile Service Identity number :

All vessels operating on the high seas require a Maritime...


Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat :

Boat with rigid hull and inflatable tubes around the hull, generally ...


Maritime Rescue Coordination Center

An RCC dealing with maritime SAR incidents.


Libyan Navy & Coast Guards

Libyan maritime authority, responsible for the Libyan SAR Service accordi...


Italian Coast Guards :

Italian maritime authority, responsible for the Italian SAR Service



Joint Rescue Coordination Center


cable: A cable length or length of cable is a nautical unit of measure equal to one tenth of a nauti...


Global Integrated Shipping Information System


Website of the International Mar...


The vessel’s navigator. An especially knowledgeable person qualified to navigate a vessel through di...


Safety Of Life At Sea

The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most...


Global Maritime Distress and Safety System: 

A global communications service based upon automated sy...


Detection system that uses radio waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects. It can...


Nautical speed, in Nautical miles per hour. 1 Knot = 1,852 km/h.


Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems :

Ships have long been required to carry nautical ...


= United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The UNCLOS was adopted on 10th December ...

Easy 1

One of the rescue RHIB onboard MV Ocean Viking with a capacity of 20 to 25 people, twin 115 horsepow...

Easy 2

One of the rescue RHIB onboard Ocean Viking with a capacity of 15 to 20 people, 175 horsepower engin...


Emergency floating device for critical rescue operation. The Banana is an inflatable tube of 16 mete...


Tunisian MRCC in Tunis


Spanish MRCC in Madrid


Maltese JRCC in Valetta


Libyan JRCC in Tripoli


Italian Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC Rome)


Situation Report :

It gives information about on-scene mission progress and conditions. SITREPs are ...


Object in the water surface or in the radar screen. Onboard the Ocean Viking, the SAR Team calls any...


Direction to where the ship goes to.


International Aeronautical and Maritime Search and Rescue : 

IMO guidelines for a common aviation an...


Control room from where the ship and communications are managed.


An object designed to prevent or slow the drift of a ship, attached to the ship by a line or chain; ...


Medical Evacuation: Life-saving technique based on timely transport and en route medical care of inj...


European Border and Coast Guard Agency. The aim of this EU agency is to “help EU countries and Schen...


Colibri is an airplane (MCR 4s) operated by the association Pilotes Volontaires. Its mission is to “...


Area at sea protected from the weather to leeward from the coast line


Contract between the shipowner/shipmanager and the company in charge of the operations. SOS MEDITTER...


Direction to where the ship heads to.


The Beaufort scale is a scale for measuring wind speed.

See below the scale.


at the site of an incident


Line from which is measured the extent of States’ maritime entitlements.


Airplane conducting a civil aerial reconnaissance mission, run together by Sea-Watch and the Humanit...


Action to provide with a fresh supply of food and non-food items.

SAR Case

Reference number of the SAR operation designated by the RCC in charge. There is one SAR Case number ...


A system of geostationary satellites for world-wide mobile communications services and which support...


A situation wherein there is reasonable certainty that a vessel or other craft, including an aircraf...


The Ocean Viking makes regular stops in port to refuel, to change the crew, for the maintenance of t...

SAR Team

Team composed by 9 professional seafarers and rescuers, part of SOS MEDITERRANEE. They are in charge...


A ship is underway when she is in movement towards a direction/destination or drifting. A ship is no...


A liferaft is a self- inflatable emergency evacuation device. It is usually used by ships in case th...


Distance from the equator in degrees.

Open Arms

MV Open Arms (IMO: 7325887, MMSI 224772000)  of the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms. Spanish flag. l...

Paris MoU

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control is the official document in which ...


Bunkering is the supplying of fuel for use by ships

high seas

Areas which are not subject to the sovereignty of any State.

SAR State

State which is responsible for the search and rescue of persons using its services and equipment wit...


Offical term to designate the people rescued from a distress situation.

Sea state

General condition of the surface of the open sea. The state of the sea is described using the Dougla...


Height between the water surface and the main deck of the ship.

Communications service provided via Inmarsat forpromulgation of MSI, including shore to ship relays ...

Shortest distance from the Greenwich meridian in degrees.

Main deck

Deck in the aft part of the ship, where are the reception facilities for survivors and where Easy 2 ...

Alan Kurdi

MV Alan Kurdi (IMO: 5285667, MMSI: 211215130) of the German NGO Sea-Eye. German flag. Length 39m, wi...

Channel 16

Marine VHF radio frequency designated as an international distress frequency.

Flag state

The flag state of a merchant vessel is the jurisdiction under whose laws the vessel is registered or...


Situation when the Ocean Viking is standing-by or/and moving at slow speed in an area where distress...


Situation where the SAR Team transfer people from the boat in distress, from the water or from the a...


Food and non-food items necessary for the crew to live in autonomy for several days and weeks onboar...


Individual floating device which keep the body floating and the head out of the water. This can be a...

Sea-Watch 3

MV Sea-Watch 3 (IMO: 7302225, MMSI: 211281610) of the German NGO Sea-Watch. German Flag. Length 50m,...

Alarm Phone

Alarm Phone is part of Watch The Med project (http://www.watchthemed.net) and is an ‘alarm’ phone nu...

Alert phase

A situation wherein apprehension exists as to the safety of an aircraft or marine vessel and of the ...

rescue raft

Inflatable raft used by the SAR Team as emergency floating device during critical rescue operations.

Port agency

Ships and the ship’s captain approach a port agency to make sure that proper mooring areas are allot...

Main deck

Deck in the aft part of the ship, where the reception facilities for survivors are.


European military operation, also called “operation Sophia”, launched in May 2015 and deployed in th...


The boat landing is a special ladder surrounded by 2 pillars which allow the RHIB to transfer people...

Coastal State

State that has sovereignty over specific territorial waters as well as sovereign rights in the conti...


Operation of transferring people or material from a ship to another.

SAR Convention

= International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR or Hamburg Convention)

It was adopted ...

Bouri oilfield

The Bouri field lies in water depths between 145m and 183m, offshore the Libyan coast, in the Medite...

Port Authority

A government body (city, county or state) which in international shipping maintains various airports...

Nautical Miles

Nautical distance, 1 minute of latitude. 1 Nm = 1,852 km

Contiguous zone

Area in which a coastal state may prevent and punish infringements of its laws and regulations with ...

Emergency phase

A generic term meaning, as the case may be, uncertainty phase, alert phase or distress phase.

place of safety

Location where rescue operations are considered to terminate. It is also a place where the survivors...

critical rescue

Situation where the people in distress are in an unstable condition and the SAR Team has to deploy a...

Global SAR Plan
A global SAR plan has been developed, defining detailed responsibilities for each member nation and ...
Place of refuge
Place of refuge means a place where a ship in need of assistance can take action to enable it to sta...
SAR Coordinator

Person in charge of the management of the mission for SOS MEDITERRANEE. This person is regularly on ...

innocent passage

As indicated under article 19 of the Montego Bay Convention, a “passage is innocent so long as it is...

SOLAS Convention

= International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS or London Convention)

This text was ...

Operation Themis

Frontex (EU Border and Coast Guard Agency) operation launched in February 2018 to “assist Italy in b...

Jasmund Shipping

Shipping company in charge of the management of Aquarius, including the certification of the ship, p...

Uncertainty phase

A situation wherein doubt exists as to the safety  of an aircraft or a marine vessel, and of the per...

Port State Control

Port State Control (PSC) is an inspection regime for countries to inspect foreign-registered ships i...


Parties shall ensure that assistance be provided to any person in distress at sea. They shall do so ...

Libyan Coast Guard


Libyan maritime authority, responsible for the Libyan SAR Service according to the Global SAR P...

Time charter party

A time charter – is a contract for the hire of a named vessel for a specified period of time. – may ...

Search Action Plan
Message, normally developed by the SMC forpassing instructions to SAR facilities and agencies partic...
Rescue Action Plan
A plan for rescue operations normally preparedby the SMC for implementation by OSC and facilities on...
territorial waters

Belt of coastal waters extending at most 12 nautical miles from the baseline (usually the mean low-w...

Circomare Lampedusa

“Circomare Guardia Costiera Lampedusa” is the Italian Coast Guard based in Lampedusa


Project Coordinator

Person in charge of the management of the mission for MSF.

International waters

Any body of water situated beyond 12 nautical miles from the baseline – outside the territorial wate...

Operation Mare Sicuro

Aerial maritime operation launched in March 2015 by Italy’s Ministry of Defense, to “ensure maritime...

transfer / transhipment

Transfer of rescued people between two ships. This can be done by RIBs, or alongside.

Communication Officer

The person in charge of communication onboard the Ocean Viking serves a crucial role in managing med...

Offshore Supply Vessel


These are cargo vessels that regularly transport goods, supplies or equipment in support of expl...

Deputy SAR Coordinator

Person in charge of the management of the SAR Team of SOS MEDITERRANEE. This person manages the trai...

Search and Rescue Region

An area of defined dimensions, associated with aRCC, within which SAR services are provided.

Research & Evidence Officer

Person in charge of the collection, treatment, archiving and publication of all the information rela...

Exclusive Economic Zone (EZZ)

Area where the coastal State has exclusive rights over the natural resources. However the State must...

Paris Memorandum of Understanding

The Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Port State Control is the official document in which ...